RealHardSex.com contains explicit sexual content and is intended as entertainment for adults only.
If you are not at least 18 years old (or 21+ where required), then you must LEAVE immediately.
Real Hard Sex Terms of Use
- I am an adult at least 18 years old (or 21 where required) AND meet the minimum age required in my legal jurisdiction to access, possess and view sexually explicit adult material.
- I will never permit anyone_under_the age of 18 or otherwise prohibited by law to access, possess or view any of the adult material contained within or linked from this website.
- Accessing, possessing or viewing sexually explicit adult material neither violates the moral standards of the community, village, town, city, state, province or country in which I reside nor the location from where I am accessing this website.
- I believe it is my legal and inalienable right to access, possess and view adult material; with which I intend to access, possess and view adult material from this website for my own personal use as entertainment, a sexual aid and/or sexual education or with a bona fide intent to conduct legitimate business with the operator of this website.
- This website caters to many different visitors from around the world and I firmly believe that standards of acceptable sexual conduct should be defined and applied by the global Internet community, collectively formed by such visitors.
- It is my choice and I am voluntarily entering this website with the full understanding that this website contains and has links to sexually explicit content, including images, video, audio and language that is forbidden to anyone who is not at least 18 years old and that such content may offend some adults. I will not access, possess or view the contents of this website or that of external adult sites linked from within this website, while in the presence of such individuals.
- I do not consider adult nudity, sexually explicit content or adults engaging in solo/consensual sexual activity to be immoral, obscene, offensive or objectionable in any way.
- I will respect the sexual preferences of other adults, which may be different than my own. I will not let my personal sexual preferences or moral beliefs interfere with the individual rights of other adults; to access, possess or view any content contained within this website. If at any time, I am personally offended by such content; my only recourse is to immediately leave this website.
- I fully understand that all models and performers depicted on this website were at least 18 years old at the time of production and that all descriptions of any person are only intended to reference adults that were at least 18 years old. Furthermore, I fully understand that this website links to 3rd party websites, that the operator of this website has no control over any content at 3rd party websites and that the operator of this website cannot be held responsible for their actions.
- All contents of this website are provided strictly "as-is" with no representations, warranties or guarantees of any kind, either expressed or implied. All information contained herein is subject to change without prior notice and should not be relied on for accuracy, completeness, relevance or timeliness.
- All contents of this website are protected by international trademark and copyright laws. I will respect 3rd party intellectual property rights and obtain prior written authorization from the respective intellectual property rights owner before redistributing or republishing any content from this website.
- I fully understand that the operator of this website has no obligations to me and that it has full authority to revoke my permission to access this website, in part or in whole, at any time and for any reason whatsoever.
- The terms of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of and construed in accordance with the courts of the State of California. If any clause of this agreement, or part thereof, is deemed invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such shall be deemed severable and will not invalidate the remaining provisions of this agreement, which remain valid and in full effect.
- I assume full and sole legal responsibility associated with my use or misuse of this website and waive my rights to any and all legal claims that may arise, monetary or otherwise, against the operator, owners, directors and employees of this website, in addition to such of any affiliated business entities and Internet providers.
- Bypassing this warning page by any method, to access any page within this website, constitutes full and implicit acceptance of these Terms of Use.
- These Terms of Use are subject to change at any time, without prior notice. Such updated Terms of Use shall become immediately effective when posted. It is my responsibility to periodically review and comply with these Terms of Use.
Your acceptance of these Terms of Use is a legally binding agreement between you and the operator of this website.
If you disagree with any portion of these Terms of Use, you must immediately leave this website.
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